Happy 'Straya Day for yesterday Sheila's!
I had grand delusions of a witty and hilarious Aussie Day post... unfortuately, I wasn't feeling it yesterday... at. all!
Let me talk you through my loooong weekend.
Saturday.. as you know, went Quad biking. Fucking AWESOME!
Sunday, we drove to South West Rock (a little south of here) and spent the day snorkelling.
Monday, we went up into the hinterland to Dorrigo and the Promised Land. This was when I lost my mojo.... and my cool. I was very short fused and snapped at Micko a few times - for no reason whatsoever. I was angry at drivers, pedestrians, shop keepers, the waterfalls, my shoes, my handbag, Micko's parking, my breakfast... in short, I was angry at everything. I had no idea why.
We got to Dangar Falls after a really shitty breakfast which nearly made me cry. The bacon was not cooked to my liking and the plate was very deep. The poached eggs were soaking wet and therefore all the food was kind of swimming around on the plate. I dragged myself out of the car and reluctantly walked to the look out... Then went to the toilet. Ahhhhh! So THAT'S why I was sooo moody! I'm on the blob (now do you know what it means?
Anyways... Here is my weekend in photos. I will be posting on Australia, just not today... today, I feel like eating a bag of white choc raspberry bullets and a 4 litre container of mango icecream.
South West Rocks... We snorkelled around the rocks.
Me and Micko with a Mango Sorbet! Was quite a warm day... actually, every day is a stinker at the moment. Humid as all fuck!
On the way up to Dorrigo. Today is when I got my funk on... and couldn't let it go.
Even another beautiful waterfall on the side of the road couldn't make it pass.
Mosaic Masterpiece.... One day, I might give something this adventurous a crack!
From the tree top walk at Dorrigo. Soooo beautiful! On a clear day you can see the coast. Started to breath a little here. There's not a lot you can feel shitty about when you're on top of the world, right?
Dangar Falls.
To make the day even better (yes, I'm being sarcastic)... Micko got bitten by a bloody big bull ant.
The Promised Land circuit. So peaceful... until a bunch of dickheads on their dirt bikes tore past. See! I really was in a hideous mood!
Spectacular, refreshing and calm... exactly what I needed!
Next time we are taking inflatable mattresses, deck chairs and esky and Billy. Niiiice!
It's like mini rapids!
I think I've nearly pulled myself out of the bullshit that is PMSing by looking at these photo's. The best part is everything here is within an hours drive. And this is why we call it the 'lucky country'... probably not really, but it damn well should be!
Ugh, I think periods should die. I hate being so moody.
You make me laugh out loud so much
I love how active and ballsy you are
If Joel took me to do that shit I would probably shit myself (literally)
I need to get outside of my comfort zone ey
Hope you get less cranky soon
you live in a freaking permanent vacation spot! that's it...i'm packing my bags and crashing at your pad.
spank me silly and call me an aussie! yeehaw!!!
Based on these pictures, I think you live in paradise...
and I wish I had some mango sorbet... yummmmmm!!
I love these pictures.
Dang ant for biting though. I hate ants with a passion.
ahhh finally i can comment! firstly i wanted to say on the last entry but couldnt.... 'Karls, you are so hardcore and my hero' cool, thats done, I'm sending a huge ass telepathicblock of chocoalte your way... and a gun, for those who get in your way. Damn this being a woment bull shit hey, especially when kids aren't even part of the equasion!
ah you have come out the other side... how i long to
Ugh, PMS sucks. Hope you recover soon! In the meantime, enjoy those bullets.
Boy you WERE In quite the mood weren't you!?! poor thing! Sorry mother nature through you your (.) at such a inconvenient time.
the pictures are lovely though. I really need to move to your side of the planet...
the guy on the radio just said, "you think it's cold now....all day, it's only going to get colder...bundle up out there listeners!"
that's crap! just sayin!
so about this spare room you have at your place....lets talk about THAT! ;)
luv ya Karls, if i could swat away that nasty PMS, you bet your sweet ass I'd do it just for you!
OHHHHH, The Blob! Now I get it!
Thank God for context clues;)
Those pictures are spectacular Karls! You are so lucky to live only an hour away from such paradise!!!!
First off, OUTSTANDING photos! I can't wait til the day I get to visit Australia.
Secondly, isn't it funny how relieved you are when you realize that it's That Time? I had that happen to me last week... well, no wonder I've been such an emo wreck!
And lastly, I freaking HATE ants. I can't even imagine what a bull ant looks like. Sounds awfully large and terrible.
That beach is amazing. So jealous. I love your hair too. Kinda wierd. Sorry.
Ohh Dangar Falls! *swoon* Haven't been there since I lived in Armidale 10 years ago! Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing!
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