
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Think Beautiful

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Say 'Yes!'

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Introducing... The Running Blogger!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
New Directions...

Friday, June 10, 2011
Bye bye blogger

Oprah and the wonderful world of television....
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Good vibrations..
When you are happy and inspired your energy vibrates at a higher frequency. And this is something you already know, even if you think you don't... when you are feeling good, you feel lighter.
When you are feeling down, uninspired, flat, angry - any of those negative emotions - you vibrate at a lower frequency... and therefore you feel heavy.
Love & light peeps.
(has new meaning for me now)
love & light

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Lost for words...

Saturday, June 4, 2011
Groundhog Day Enlightenment
Last night, I spent on the couch, glass of red in hand and the tele for company.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Walking the talk.
Vulnerability? Just not in my vocabulary...
Until recently.
Since that daring day, I've managed to make further progress in this field.
Last weekend when I arrived in Hobart I was so disappointed with my scary hotel room - it was cold with no heating and one blanket (hello! I'm not Tasmanian... I need more than one thin blanket when the temp doesn't hit double figures). The room had a really scary vibe and was directly above the cover band - cranking out old tired hits with drunk people singing along at the top of their lungs - to one side was the smokers courtyard and the other a busy road... Oh and did I mention it was shit scary? I couldn't bring myself to turn the light off and every time I almost nodded off I felt something touch my neck. GAH!
The old me, would have stuck it out and gone home after 3 nights of no sleep with bleeding eyeballs. The new me, stuck out the night (it was after midnight when I arrived) got up early to look into other accommodation, found somewhere much better, packed my shit and explained to reception that it just was not suitable. And they could have cared less - I hadn't offended them, or hurt their feelings - and there was no angry confrontation. Ahhhhh! The relief!
Through vulnerability we gain strength.
Each small step equals big change.
Bleeding eyeballs be gone.
I'm now walking the talk...
... and kicking Anxiety's arse to the curb!

Monday, May 30, 2011
The man in the leather hat...

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Inspire me...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
New dawn... new day!
Besides, if this is my biggest problem right now, I'm one pretty lucky lady.
There is no point stressing about things that are outside my control. It's just a test... perhaps to see if I'm walking the talk. And I am. I'm learning when to fight, and when to surrender.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Touché Universe, Touché
I'm so grateful to have had this client. They have given me the freedom to follow my dreams. They have allowed me to get my business of the ground and have taught me so much about where I am and where I want to be - not to mention who I am and who I want to be.

Monday, May 23, 2011
The art of being grateful...
Friday, May 20, 2011
Not only that... but I put it out there to a friend who is on the same path of self discovery as I am and we are totally on the same page regarding this new venture. Very exciting - I've always wanted to work with her and I'm so keen to get the ball rolling. Feels 100% right!

Monday, May 16, 2011
10 things I love about me!

Voice of Reason
Back to the story at hand...
Micko truly is the shit. He knows just how hard I am working at bettering myself and he is being beyond supportive. Sometimes the guy knows what to say exactly when I need to hear it.
Take just now for example...
A stark reminder - of which the timing was perfect.
Words from a wise man...
Sometimes he speaks my truth, when I don't have the courage to.
My voice of reason.
I'm slowly learning that I can be my own voice of reason...
Doing what is right for me will make me a better person... and therefore, a better friend.
Work in progress!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Happiness is in the eye of the beerholder - erhh... beholder.
So... here is another 'wise old Karls' post.***
A theme, or question, keeps popping into my mind lately...
What if instead you found that pot of gold... and discovered that all along it was inside of yourself?
You are the gold.
That is where I am at right now. I am the gold!
Everything I ever wanted, I allow myself to have - from me. I provide it.
In turn, I love myself enough to allow it from others. I allow the good shit to come my way.
Self sabotage is a bitch I'm all too familiar with - and she can go fuck herself.
I am soooo grateful. Now, I truly appreciate all the good things in my life... right here, right now.
If you think about all the good things in your life (and no matter who you are, or where you are in your life, there are plenty to be found) how can you possibly be unhappy with what you have?
Honestly... how nice would it feel to have all that you want, or need?
You know what?
You already do.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Sunday morning I woke up, very hungover, and very, very down on myself. Let's just say I got super shitfaced. I mean, I don't think I did anything to offend anyone and I probably wasn't as big a dickhead as I made myself out to be... in my own mind... but I woke up and felt like all the hard work I'd put into me had been undone by one too many tequila shot (ewwww).

Late night epiphanies
Man blogger! You really know how to test someone's patience! Last couple of days have been experiencing what blogger are referring to as 'the spinning' issue. Editor doesn't load fully... just keeps showing it's 'thinking'. I've switched back to the old editor to try avoid the issue... so far, so good - although the layout and text might be a bit fucked.
At first I thought it must have been the universe's way of telling me that yesterdays entry didn't need to be said. Perhaps I should heed its advice. I have better things that need to be said anyway - yesterdays entry would have been a bit of a downer.
So, it's like 7am here and I'm up typing away. In fact, I think I've been awake most of the night. I didn't have any sugar close to bedtime. I hadn't had a coffee since 7.30am yesterday. Hell, I had even meditated a couple of hours prior to beddybyes. The brain just. would. not. switch. off. Most of the time it was just a whirl of nothing. Occasionally a friend would pop in and I had a couple of negative thoughts rear their ugly heads. But then... I had an idea! (imagine a lightbulb for effect)
You may remember I was waiting to be pummelled to the ground by divine inspiration on the 26th April. Now, that didn't quite eventuate... although I did have an inkling of an idea.
Last night, the original idea I had seemed to manifest itself into a monster of an idea. In the light of the morning, I'm not 100% sure of what all the excitement was about... but I'm going to investigate further. I really wish I'd pulled my lazy arse out of bed, grabbed a pen and paper and just started punching idea's out. I was trying to be unselfish - it is the big Micko's birthday today (happy birthday Tiger!) and I didn't want to be waking him up throughout the night. As it turns out he didn't sleep to well either.
Here is the weird thing. In the little sleep I did get last night, Micko woke up to a blue light coming in from the lounge room. He got up to investigate and discovered the TV was on and Austar was resetting itself... the alarm clock hadn't reset, so it wasn't a black out... and I specifically remember turning them off last night (I'd been watching Paris Hiltons BFF (Dubai) and remember switching it off in disgust (okay, disgust is a little harsh... it should probably be replaced by boredom).
My idea? Let's just say it had A LOT to do with TV. A sign that I'm on the right track perhaps?
Only time with tell.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Life's Lessons
Is there fear that I'll leave some people behind?
But there is also much excitment about the people I'll meet in the boarding lounge.
Fear and anticipation, excitement and nervousness... they have similar attributes, right? I can't speak for anyone else, yet I feel although on opposite sides of the feeling spectrum, they raise similar feelings...
butterflies, antsy-ness, a sudden need to take a dump. I'm sure you relate.
On this rapid take off to a better me I've discovered a few little lessons I thought I'd share..
* The past has passed for a reason. Acknowledge it, learn from it and then let it go. No good can come from hanging onto it for dear life. It, or they, may have served you then, but if it, or they, no longer do? It's time to let go. By hanging on, you are taking up the space required for better things to come your way. Your past may have defined who you are, but it is you who defines who you become.
Although I thought I'd left the passed in the past, I've realised I've been hanging onto it like that fucking hideous pair of size 10 jeans hanging up in my wardrobe hoping I'll one day fit into them. Bye bye now! They'll still be fucking ugly... even if I am a size 10.
* Only when you are ready do things eventuate... and not a minute before
* Meditation really is a great thing! There is a reason the most together and happy of people keep suggesting it... there is also probably a reason you've avoided it. Think about it. I know that, for me, I didn't like myself enough to be alone with myself. The thought frightened the shit outta me (ahhh... now I understand that saying!)
* Find people who inspire you... not always people who you inspire. (I was actually just about to apologise for this one, but I'm not going to as sometimes those who inspire you are, in turn, those you inspire.)
Friday, April 15, 2011
The Search...
If it ain't broken, right?
I guess I like testing myself... getting too comfortable makes me feel lazy and bored. I get complacent and end up in a bit of rut. I end up resenting the job, the person, myself. I don't feel like I'm living life to the full... that I'm letting it pass by... and that I'm no longer growing. I like personal growth.
I like to be moving... but I'm slowly learning to appreciate being still (hence, allowing the universe to show me the way, not hunting down my future like a tiger does it's prey).
I also feel like there is more I'm supposed to be doing... not too sure what exactly that is, but I'm certainly keen to find out. I'm looking for new ways to grow and learn...
Although, something about this all feels right... my instincts are telling me I'm headed in the right direction.
At the end of the day, we can follow our head or our heart...
but when both are urging you on?
It has to be destiny.
P.S; I know this is quite a heavy read for a Friday morning. I haven't lost my funny... it's sitting in about 3 other drafts I've started on this inspirational morn. I'll have another coincidence for you come Monday... the outcome is going to reveal itself to me today. In the meantime, I must go shave my arm pits before you all start to think I've turned into a crazy reclusive hippy.

Thursday, April 14, 2011
All quiet on the coincidence front...
I just found this little snipet of an interview from a couple of years ago... enjoy!