Friday, December 4, 2009

Bogan Style

Now, I'm not quite sure if it's because I live in a bogan town (for those unfamiliar with a bogan - I guess you'd call them rednecks?) or if hair fashion has taken a step back in time... but what is with the long at the back short on top - extreme mullets I'm seeing young (below 25) males sporting?  Ewwwwww!  Brings back memories of the boy in your class that had ADHD before ADHD became a an excuse for any child with a bad diet and bad behavoir (I know there are exceptions people so don't come at me like a bull at a gate).  He was kid that had no friends, was so naughty he spent little time in class and the times that he was in class he was constantly trying to look up my skirt or swearing.

So, let me break it down for ya fellas:  It's kind of like the person started shaving their heads at the top, but once the got round to the last part at the bottom, someone chucked on a Nickleback album and cracked open a bottle of Bundy Rum so bogan boy got distracted and then was too lazy (or fucked up) to finish the job he started.  I think you could base a whole series on bad haircuts... call it When Good Hair Cuts Turn Bad III.   My unfortunate 'frullet' would have to feature - if only I had a pic to show... but you can read about my devastating experience here.

I searched and search for an image, but I couldn't find a great representation of the Aussie Extreme Mullet... in fact the only thing I could find anything remotely close was this fuckwit...

And it's still not even half close to what I'm trying to show... So, until I managed to hunt one bogan bundy drinking freak of nature down and sneak a pic, I'm going to have one last go at trying to show you what it is truly like...

Think Liz from Degrassi...

Then... think scalping her and turning the hair exactly 180 degrees...
That my friends, is the Aussie Extreme Mullet.

So please, please tell me the outbreak has been contained to the bogans of the North Coast of NSW?  Please?  And if you are familiar with this rat shit hair style, does it come with a name?


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, old school Degrassi. You just made my day!

Unknown said...

If i ain't mistaken you are referring to the skinhead mullet (lined below):



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